Photoshop Tool Description With Using Procedure (Part 2)

Photoshop tool introduction:

Sl No
Tool Name
Tool Description
How To Use
The Eraser Tool
Used to erase picture elements
Selecting the tool click on the element you want to erase. You can change brush size from the option bar.
The Background Eraser Tool
Erases areas to transparency by dragging.
Same to eraser tool.
The Magic Eraser Tool
Erases solid-colored areas to transparency with a single click.
Just click on a solid color you want to erase.
The Gradients Tools
Create straight-line, radial, angle, reflected, and diamond blends between colors.
Select the tool. Choose color from the option bar and then drag the mouse over the canvas pressing Left Mouse Button.
The Paint Bucket Tool
Fills similarly colored areas with the foreground color.
Set a foreground color. Select “paint bucket tool”. Click on the canvas.
The Blur Tool
Blurs hard edges in an image.
Selecting the tool just click on the hard edges of an image.
The Sharpen Tool
Sharpens soft edges in an image.
Selecting the tool just click on the soft edges of an image.
The Smudge Tool
Smudges data in an image.
Selecting the tool just click on a part of an image to smudge.
The Dodge Tool
Lightens areas in an image.
Selecting the tool just click on a part of an image to lighten.
The Burn Tool
Darkens areas in an image.
Selecting the tool just click on a part of an image to darken.
The Sponge Tool
Changes the color saturation of an area.
Selecting the tool just click on a part of an image to change color saturation of the part.
The Path Selection Tool
Make shape or segment selections showing anchor points, direction lines, and direction points.
If you draw a path then you can select the path with this tool. To do so selecting the tool just click on the path.
The Type Tool
Create type on an image.
Select the “Type Tool”. Click on a point you want type text. Then Write.
The Type Mask Tool
Create a selection in the shape of type.
Same as type tool. You will get the letter as a selection.
The Pen Tool
Let you draw smooth-edged paths
Selecting the tool click on the starting point. Then click on an another point and holding “Left Mouse Button” drag the mouse to get a smooth edged paths.
The Custom Shape Tool
Makes customized shapes selected from a custom shape list.
Select the tool. Then select customized shape from the option bar.

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