Some Important Photoshop Palettes

To activate any palette go to window>select palette.

Color Palettes:

You can select foreground and background color by double clicking on the toolbox color portion. But if you want to select foreground and background color directly you have to use color palette. You can select color directly from color picker. You can set color option from the color option tab.


Swatches palette:

You will find swatches palette beside the color palette. If you do not find this palette go to window>swatches.

You can select beautiful ready made color from here. You can also create swatches. You will find a swatches library in swatches option tab.

Layer Palette:

Layers are very important for photoshop. You can put different part of your project in different layers. So you can edit any part of your project easily using its layer. You can work with layer from menu bar. But layer palette will ease your photoshop work with layers. In layer palettes you can complete all kind of work with layers. You can create new layer, Delete a layer, Add layer style, Add layer mask. You can also set layer visibility with the visibility option.

You can also create new fill or adjustment layer. Opacity of the layer can be set here. You can lock the layer which can’t be changed later.

Brush Palettes:

Brushes play a very  important role for photoshop designer. You can create brushes with any shape and you can edit it too. Photoshop also has a huge library of brushes. You can easily select, create, Edit brushes via brush palettes.

History Palettes:

 History Palette is another important palette to mention. During designing work in photoshop you have to go to your previous state of your design very often. You have to do this via history palette. You can be able to go to several steps back via history palette. You can also create a new document from current state of your design.

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