Creating an Exploding Text Effect

We will make a text effect look like to be exploded

Step 1: Take a new canvas of any dimension
Step 2:Type with Black color.
Step 3: Selecting Text Layer go to Layer>Rasterize Type
Step 4: Go to Edit>Fill

Step 5: Go to Filter>Blur>Gaussion Blur and set radius 2. Then press Ok.
Step 6: Go to Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates

Step 7:Go to Image>Image Rotation>90’CW
Step 8: Go to Filter>Stylize>Wind>ok.
Step 9: Press “Ctrl+F” to apply wind effect once more
Step 10: Go to Image>Adjustment>Invert
Step 11: Again go to Filter>Stylize>Wind>ok. Then Press “Ctrl+ F”.
Step 12: Go to Image>Adjustment>Levels>Auto>Ok
Step 13: Go to Image>Image Rotation>90’ CCW
Step 14: Go to Filter>Distort>Polar Cordinates and set Rectangular to polar>ok.
Step 15:Now go to Layer Palette and do as below

Step 16:Go to Image>Adjustment>Hue and Saturation and do as below

So we have got an Exploded text effect like below

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